Pay your city service, business license, city bill(s) online by clicking the button above. There is a transaction fee of 3% of the subtotal plus $1.00
Pay your City-issued fine(s) online by clicking the button above. There is a transaction fee of 3% of the subtotal plus $1.00
Local Option Tax increase for the City of Lava Hot Springs
Updated Local Option Tax form
A request to all Residents and Businesses
Public Open House for Water and Wastewater Facilities Planning Studies
The City of Lava Hot Springs (City) is soliciting statements of qualifications from experienced affordable-housing developers interested in partnering to provide services including, identifying project location, assisting in property acquisition, planning and design, site development/construction, building construction, and ongoing property/site management.
Interested development teams may obtain a copy of the RFQ documents via email request submitted to Rodney Burch, City Planner, at or by contacting Lava City Hall at 208-776-5820.
Idaho State Journal RFQ Advertisement
The first phase of the project was completed in 2020. The second phase involves the drilling of a new well and additional improvements. Potential well sites are being explored and will involve the acquisition of land.
The city has budgeted funds to install a pedestrian bridge on the south side of the existing traffic bridge over the Portneuf River on East Main Street. The bridge will look identical to the one on the North side but wider to encourage tubers to refrain from walking on the traffic bridge. The city is working on acquiring a small portion of property from an adjoining property owner for the bridge installation.
Authorized and Approved list of Businesses and Contractors licensed to do business in Lava Hot Springs City Limits is located on the tool bar under the more tab then the resource tab.
City of Lava Hot Springs
PO Box 187
115 W Elm Street
Lava Hot Springs, Idaho 83246
Phone:(208) 776-5820 Fax: (208) 776-5130